Who are we and what are we doing?
The German Hotel and Restaurant Association Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V. (DEHOGA MV) is the business and employers' association for the hospitality industry in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Whether it's a guesthouse, 5-star superior hotel, pub on the corner or top gastronomy: we represent the interests of the hospitality industry in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern with a strong voice - and also stand up for discotheques, bars, ice cream parlors, caterers, snack bars and leisure facilities. With the German hospitality industry, we are backed by a growing service sector and companies with a predominantly medium-sized character. In the tourism state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the hospitality industry is both an economic force and a job engine. As the only independent lobbyist, our aim is to actively influence the improvement of the framework conditions for the industry and over 5,500 hospitality businesses.
This is why DEHOGA MV advocates for the interests of the industry in politics, business and the media - and is the point of contact for the state parliament, state government, chambers, districts, municipalities, local authorities and trade unions. In order to secure the present and shape the future at the same time, we are actively and significantly involved in a network of strong partners from business and associations. We fight at all levels for the hotel and catering industry in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and tirelessly for the best industry in the world.
For the industry, for MV - together we are strong
The partner at your side: DEHOGA MV members benefit not only from a strong alliance and our political and media influence, but also from numerous advantages. For example, membership of the association includes legal protection insurance, expert advice on all tax, business and legal issues and a wide range of further training opportunities as well as cross-company services, monetary benefits and the use of cooperation networks.
Hotel- und Gaststätten Marketing GmbH (HGM)

Hotel- und Gaststätten Marketing GmbH is an important service partner of DEHOGA Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Together with other external experts, it prepares expert reports, advises on business start-ups, arranges specific business consultancies, organises the German Hotel Classification, carries out projects on behalf of the association and coordinates the services offered by supporting members and other business partners. One of the most important tasks is the generation of monetary benefits for association members.
DEHOGA - Family

Around 70,000 businesses are organised in DEHOGA throughout Germany. The federal association is divided into 17 state associations and 2 specialist associations, Hotelverband Deutschland (IHA) and UNIPAS (Union of Motorway Service Operators). The five specialist departments in the DEHOGA federal association (system catering, communal catering, station catering, catering and discotheques) also represent the special interests of their members. Whether labour market or wage policy, education and training, law and taxes, environmental protection and copyright: DEHOGA works hand in hand from the local to the national level.